Cave Duhlata, from Bulgary Milen Markov win the Sentry Web Award.

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Milen Markov is a passionate photographer who has dedicated his life to capturing the beauty of nature, particularly mountains and caves. He has sought to transform his passion into true works of art, successfully Read more

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From Hungary: Ágnes Berentés win the Sentry Award category Macro with the photo “Colorful bacteria”

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Another trip in the wonders of SFC23’s Hall of fame: Colorful bacteria, by Ágnes Berentés from Hungary, win the Macro category.

Canon 80D and canon 100mm macro lens

Ágnes Berentés began caving in 2013 Read more

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Free shot category, Viktor Lyagunkin and “The last soupper”

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We continue to discover the photos that won the Sentry Award and their authors: in the free shot category, “The Last Supper” by Viktor Lyagunkin from Georgia.

Optimistic (Optimistichna) Cave Dinner in the underground Read more

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Christian Roustan, 1 photo for 2 awards, category Biology and special SSI Environment Objective Sentry Award.

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First of all, a few words on what the “Environment Objective” special Sentry Award by SSI is.

The “Environment Objective” special Sentry Award, established by the Italian Speleological Society from this edition Read more

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La fotografia speleologica in gara per il Sentry Award 2023 – Cave photography competing for the Sentry Award 2023.

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Si è aperta a Vicopisano (PI) la mostra delle foto in gara per l’edizione 2023 del premio sentinella, l’esposizione ed il concorso sono stati organizzati e realizzati con il patrocinio del comune di Vicopisano, Read more

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Sentry Award 2023, apertura iscrizioni, registrations opening!

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A partire da oggi si aprono ufficialmente le iscrizioni per la nuova edizione di SpeleoFotoContest dove saranno assegnati i prossimi “Premi Sentinella” tra cui il nuovo premio speciale SSI “Obiettivo Ambiente”, e già è Read more

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